avoidance是什么意思(英语口语累积:“你就是喜欢逃避” 用英语怎么说?)

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You're an avoider. 你喜欢逃避问题。

You do have avoidance issues. 你就是喜欢逃避问题。


'Avoider' means a person who habitually or instinctively avoids or shuns something. It can refer to avoiding conflict, responsibility, or other situations. 指一个会习惯性地逃避/躲避问题的人,可用来表示躲避冲突,回避责任等。

'Avoidance': the act of avoiding someone or something,是指回避某人或某事这一行为。


a‧void /əˈvɔɪd/ ,及物动词,避免,防止;回避,避开;

释义1: to prevent something bad from happening 避免坏事的发生 ~sth

例句:Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents. 教导儿童道路安全规则避免发生交通事故。

例句:It is important to take measures to avoid the risk of fire. 采取防火措施至关重要。

用法:avoid doing something

例句:The refugees left to avoid getting bombed.为避免遭到轰炸,难民们离开了。

释义2: to stay away from someone or something, or not use something 远离某人/某事,或不使用某物 ~sb/sth

例句:Everyone seemed to be avoiding Nick. 所有人似乎都在躲着尼克。

例句:She carefully avoided his eyes (=did not look directly at his face). 她小心地避开了他的视线(没有直视他)。

例句:Pregnant women should avoid certain foods such as raw eggs. 孕妇应避免食用诸如生鸡蛋之类的食物。

例句:Why did you speak to him? You usually avoid him like the plague (=try hard to avoid him).你为什么要跟他说话?通常你都是像躲瘟疫一样躲着他的(尽力避开他)。

释义3: to deliberately not do something, especially something wrong, dangerous, or harmful 故意不去做某事,尤其是不对的、危险的或有害的事情。

例句:There are ways of legally avoiding taxes. 合法避税是有方法的。

例句:You should avoid over-spending in the first half of the year. 你应该避免在前半年过度消费。

注:Avoid后面接动词ing形式,不能加to do 形式。

正确:They are able to avoid paying taxes.

✗错误: They are able to avoid to pay taxes.

